From 25 May 2018 the EU Regulation n.° 2016/679 regarding the protection of personal data is directly applicable. This information is provided in compliance with the aforementioned legislation.
hereby, the data controller informs you that the data acquired and/or supplied by you, with reference to ongoing professional relationships, will be processed in compliance with the aforementioned legislation.
Source of personal data
Personal data is acquired by the data controller in carrying out the professional assignment.
Purpose of data processing
The data will be processed exclusively for contractual requirements and for the consequent legal and contractual obligations deriving from them. Furthermore, the collection and processing of data has the purpose of correctly maintaining the administrative and accounting management of the existing relationship.
Methods of data processing
The data will be processed with electronic and non-electronic tools, in the ways and within the limits necessary to pursue the aforementioned purposes.
Nature of data collection
The supplying of data is mandatory for what is required by legal and/or contractual obligations and any refusal to supply them, in whole or in part, would make it impossible for the data controller to implement the contractual relationships. . The supplying of data not due by virtue of a legal and/or contractual obligation is purely optional and the refusal to supply them, in whole or in part, would not entail any prejudice to the execution of the contractual relationships in progress.
Communication and distribution of data
Personal data will be used only for the fulfillment of the law and may be communicated to public bodies, private subjects, companies and banks for the performance of economic, commercial and management activities, as well as for the fulfillment of legal provisions. The data will not be disclosed and will be destroyed when there is no longer a need to keep them. Personal data may be transferred to countries of the European Union and to third countries with respect to the EU in compliance with the purposes for which the data are collected. Furthermore, personal data and the relative treatment and information will be communicated, if the conditions are met, to the bodies competent in the field of anti-money laundering legislation. The collected and processed data may be made available to any collaborators of the Data Controller, as Managers or Persons in Charge.
Rights of the interested party
Pursuant to the regulation, the interested party has the right to access their personal data, to request their rectification, updating and cancellation, if incomplete, erroneous or collected in violation of the law, as well as to oppose their treatment for legitimate reasons by contacting requests to the Data Controller.
Data controller
The data controller is Ing. Michele Pontarollo, based in the studio located in Via Melchiorazzo, 19 – 36061 Bassano del Grappa (VI).